Current time:
31 March 2025 23:12:15
Now 5451 players are playing on 131 servers.
In our database there are 1762 OT Servers.
Added: 09.03.2025
Eagles Ot
Report fraud. |
Hostname: | |
Port: | 7171 |
IP Address: | |
Players: | 3 / 50 |
Owner: | Gibe |
Total Uptime (%): | 99.37% |
Now Uptime for (hours): | 5d 4h 31m |
Record online: | 27 players online on Tue, 01 March 2022 05:19:13 CET |
Client: | 8.60 [windows] [linux] |
Type: | PvP |
Exp: | x999 |
Exp Type: | Stages |
Server: | Eagles Server Game |
Monsters: | 14626 |
Map: | Other |
Added: | Thu, 24 August 2017 02:05:27 CEST |
Latest online: | Mon, 31 March 2025 23:11:29 CEST |
..:: Eagles Isle, dedicated ::..
EXP: 1.5x - Stages
Just use 1/1 to create your account
Port: 7171
Client: 8.60
We believe that quantity is not quality, we are a small family server, made simply for fun, missions, role-playing and friendships, dedicated 24 hours to you.
- The website is
- No damage Party members
- Perfect !bless
- Region Bosses
- Equipment and customized weapons quests (+% Regen, Protection, Dmg)
- Use !cmds to view server commands.
- Addons scattered across the map in Hunts, find all hidden addons by clicking on treasures chests, explore the map
- Custom training area
You can download the custom client on the website
Did you find a bug on the map? Let us know so that we can fix it, the server is in constant development stage.
Come meet, play and have fun.
Eagles OT
Last 5 Messages of The Day
- October 12, 2023, 07:33 AM
Welcome To EaglesOT
- Lottery with scrolls, rust pieces and upgrade energy every 3 hours.
- You can use !effects to enable or disable effects on your outfits.
- Good game on Eagles Island.
- The website is |
- December 15, 2021, 02:33 PM
Welcome To EaglesOT
- Lottery with scrolls, rust pieces and upgrade energy every 3 hours.
- You can use !effects to enable or disable effects on your outfits.
- Good game on Eagles Island.
- The website is |
- November 15, 2021, 05:42 PM
Welcome To EaglesOT
- Levels have been reset, low exp. Good game!
- Lottery with scrolls, rust pieces and upgrade energy every 3 hours.
- You can use !effects to enable or disable effects on your outfits.
- Good game on Eagles Island.
- The website is |
Welcome To EaglesOT
- New exp event 10000x fun
- Lottery with scrolls, rust pieces and upgrade energy every 3 hours.
- You can use !effects to enable or disable effects on your outfits.
- Good game on Eagles Island.
- The website is |
Welcome To EaglesOT
- Lottery with scrolls, rust pieces and upgrade energy every 3 hours.
- You can use !effects to enable or disable effects on your outfits.
- Good game on Eagles Island.
- The website is |