Current time:
13 December 2024 03:37:41
Now 5275 players are playing on 127 servers.
In our database there are 1760 OT Servers.
Added: 26.11.2024
General Stats
Servers total | 1760 |
Servers online | 127 |
Players online | 5275 |
Players record | 47750, 03 October 2010 20:00 |
Registered users | 33727 |
Average uptime of all OTS | 43.79% |
Players Online on all OTS
7 The Most Popular OTS Distibutions
Name | Count |
The Forgotten Server 0.4 | 38 |
The Forgotten Server 0.3.6 | 35 |
Canary 3.0 | 27 |
Aries 0.4.0 | 26 |
The Forgotten Server 0.4_SVN | 22 |
Alissow Server 0.4.1 | 14 |
| 13 |
7 The Most Popular OTS Client Versions
Name | Count |
Tibia 8.60 | 210 |
Tibia 7.60 | 53 |
n/a Version | 49 |
Tibia 8.54 | 44 |
Tibia 12.2 | 44 |
Tibia 8.10 | 34 |
Tibia 10.98 | 25 |
7 The Oldest Servers
7 Servers with Highest Daily Players Average
7 Servers with Highest Hour Uptime